Well I just returned from my trip to Minnesota. As promised I am going to do my follow up and post about Evangelistically Oriented Small Groups. Once again this information is coming from a training that I recently went through. So here we go.
The first thing we are going to look at tonight is The Most Effective Assimilation Methodology this is coming from Thom Rainer in High Expectations
The most effective assimilation strategy used by churches without a close second is Sunday School.
Bill Hybles gave us a formula and whether you agree with him on things or not this formula is good. It goes like this HP=CP=CC=MI
High Potency+Close Proximity+Clear Communication=Maximum Impact
Sunday School is one powerful Dinosaur. Here are some things to consider.
1. We need both open and closed small groups
2. Sunday School is the largest organization and ministry force
3. Someone is responsible for everyone
4. Bible Study
5. Meets 52 weeks a year.
6. it has a historical record.
7. It is connected to worship service.
8. It has the power of Assimilation (it is 5 times more effective than worship, and 3 times more effective than home groups)
9. Personal Experience (84% of people are likely to drop out within 5 years if not engaged in Sunday School or a similar small group.)
If we want our Sunday Schools to grow there are 12 key questions that we must ask.
1. Is there adequate space for present and future growth?
2. Are new units being created?
3. What is the quality of teaching?
4. Are classes ministry based?
5. Is a Sunday School outreach plan in place?
6. Is fellowship planned and intentional?
7. What priority does the pastor give to Sunday School?
8. What plan is in place to secure and train new teachers?
9. How good is the record keeping?
10. What lines of accountability are in place?
11. Are new members assigned to a specific class?
12. how intentional are the class greeters?
There is a Physical Effect that takes place in Sunday School.
Classroom setup and design effects assimilation. The room set up makes a huge difference the room must be visually pleasing and appealing, the room must be set up to accomplish a purpose.
Assumption of Assimilation
1. All churches believe they are friendly.
2. Terms create powerful images.
3. Hospitality mean love of stranger. (We should never mistreat guests they should always feel like they are important and that they belong there but usually the opposite is true.)
4. Without guests a church cannot grow.
Here are some hard facts about Assimilation
1. many factors contribute to the assimilation crisis.
2. dropping out of church has become an anticipated part of Christian lifestyles.
3. The church has forgotten the youth and thus has frontloaded the dropout machine.
4. Family involvement increases relative closeness to the church.
5. ”Anxiety Anger Complex” is not being addressed for the aging Boomer.
6. The clergy have become more business oriented and less relationally skilled.
7. Pastors have more to do with assimilation that evangelism.
8. Doctrine remains a high concern for the long -term believer.
9. However, people tend to leave more over disagreements than theology.
10. People drop out:
A. The 1st 2 years of church.
B. Between ages 15 and 23
C. At the empty nest stage.
D. After a divorce.
So what are some practical Assimilation strategies that the church can use.
First we must Know the Unchurched this is done through
1, Doctrine being clarified
2. High Expectations
3. An “entry point” class
4. Small groups and Sunday School
5. Clarity of purpose
6. Ministry involvement
There is a Relationship Effect that takes place
We must Give Guests the best
1. Attitude
2. Community
3. Welcome
4. Parking
5. Setting
6. Time
7. Service
If a Guest does come out to our class or Sunday School what should be done. Here are some tips for Effective Follow-up of Guests and New Members
1. Acknowledgement (Call guests within 24 hours. Ask for their opinions. Send a thank you letter within 2 days. Place them on mailing lists. Invite them to come back.)
2. Enhancement (Have weekly outreach teams in place. Deliver a gift to the home. Explain the points of entry.)
3. Appointment (Call and inform of upcoming entry opportunities. Mail information and invite them to an entry point)
4. Commitment (Invite them to attend Newcomers class. Place on A small group responsible list.)
Tomorrow we will conclude this series by giving some practical small group and Assimilation Principles and Strategies.