Last-night I was a busy person.  I headed to Deleware to meet with some friends, then off to Philadlelphia Biblical University, then to Lehigh Baptist Church, then back to Deleware then finally home.  I had an awesome night except for in my way home there right in the middle of 176 these guys decided they wanted to race.  So as I am going about 70 there are two cars stopped next to each other man I thought I was going to hit someone.  What does that have to do with God fighting our battles right.

Well while I was at Lehigh Baptist Church this verse was read.  

 He may have a great army, but they are merely men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!” Hezekiah’s words greatly encouraged the people. 2 Chronicles 32:8 (NLT)

I have not been able to shake that verse from me head.  I have had a lot of questions come my way and a whole lot of thought.  I have listened to alot of truth, half truths, and downright lies, over the past few weeks.  There are times that I have wanted to tell people to stick it.  There are probably times where I have told people to stick it in no uncertain terms.  There are many times that I just want to go to battle but this verse says “we have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us.”  I dont need to fight the battles God will fight them for me.  I don’t need to defend things that people think might be wrong or are uncertain of.

I often think of the days when we will get to heaven.  Praise the Lord that there will be no “you said this” and “I heard this”.  There will not be anyone complaining because they had there feelings hurt or because something did not go their way.  There will not be people fighting and arguing about this or that.  There will be no meetings to figure things out because none of it will matter.  I know in my life I have thought about things that were not right or have thought I was not treated right but in the end when I stand before God it will not matter.  I long for that day.  Until then God will keep on fighting.




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