Sep 29

Free Porn Book Porn-Again Christian

Posted by Josh

I was recently doing some online surfing and came across this free ebook on Mark Drsicoll’s site.  This book deals with men and porn and is title Porn-Again Christian.  All of the book is not there yet but it will be soon.  Simply click on the link below and bookmark the site they also have an RSS feed.  Warning this book will be very frank.

…some years ago I sat down and in one day wrote a small booklet about male sexuality that we published in-house. Since then we have gone through thousands of copies and literally cannot keep it in stock. I asked some Christian publishers if they wanted it, and they said it was too hot to handle and so they declined.So, I decided to just put it online and give it away for free. The book has had a small amount of editing and rewriting since its original version. We’ll give it away at the Resurgencea bit at a time in conjunction with the Song of Songs series I am preaching titled “The Peasant Princess.” Once the entire book has been put online, it will then be posted as a file that guys around the world can download and read on their computer, forward to their friends, or print copies of to hand out as they like.

I hope this thing goes nuts and hundreds of thousands of guys read it.

In closing, I want to say two things. One, a lot of folks will not like the content or tone of this book and I love them and wish them well. You get what you pay for and this is free. Two, a lot of young guys (and some older guys too) tell me they have been helped by this content and if God uses it to help some guys I would be overjoyed with that. So, let the critics fire away and I’ll gladly take the shots for the guys who are walking wounded in an effort to help them get their shield up and sword sharpened.

Until we see Jesus,
Pastor Mark Driscoll

Porn Again Christian e-Book

Life, My Thoughts, Spiritual Application

Sep 17

What are we waiting for?

Posted by Josh

In my reading of “Confessions of a reformission rev.” I came across this.

I am still not sure if most pastors are aware that their churches are comprised of people they don’t yet know.  Those people will never come to the churches so the Pastor must go to them.

This is definitely not the norm.  Rarely do we see pastors taking this to heart.  This is once again a difference between a missional church and other churches.  The missional church believes in the fact and clearly teaches that everyone is a missionary what more the missional church teaches how every member can be a missionary.  To often the pastor pawns it off on the people and the people pawn it off on the the Pastor.  However the Pastor and the people must work in concert with one another.  Both must be out meeting knew people.  People are not just going to show up at our churches anymore we have to go get them.

Here is a second quote I found

It was at this time that I realized that our church would never have a sign out front that said “everyone welcome,” because I did not want everyone.

Now perhaps we would say that Driscoll is wrong for this.  But is he really?  How many churches have this idea that everyone is welcome and sure they say that but in reality they do not mean it.  In fact certain people show up and they quickly realize they are not welcome.  What about the person that comes in and causes division in the church are they welcome?  We can think of many circumstance where people may not be welcome cant we?  Something to chew on.

Life, My Thoughts, Spiritual Application

Sep 12

Change and grow don’t change and don’t Grow

Posted by Josh

I am reading a book by Mark Driscoll who is the pastor of Mars Hill Church.  The title of the book is Confessions of  a Reformission Rev.  I will probably post about this book throughout the coming weeks as I find things in it that I find interesting.  I am definitely intrigues by the book and love the way Driscoll rights though for some I am sure he would be considered harsh and brash.  While reading the book it was speaking about change and something really stood out to me.

For a church to grow it must also accept that the church will change.  The problem with most churches is not that they don’t want to experience conversion growth but rather that they don’t want to change, which negates their ability to grow and is a sin to be repented of.

Over the years I have been blown away by churches that refuse to change.  Not change just for the sake of change but change in order to be most effective where they are at.  Instead they want to keep things they way they are the same music, the same standards, the same lack of vision, the same programs, etc.  In reality this is sin and should indeed be repented of.  

If the church does not change I am afraid the church will eventually die.  By our refusal to look at and do things in a different way we are telling others they really mean little to us and worse we are often telling our communities that they do not matter.  We are to often inward focused and rarely outward focussed.  Instead of evaluating our community and doing inventory of how we can effectively reach it we get stuck in the rut of doing things the same old way, and think by some miracle people are going to be drawn to our church.  Sadly this is primarily seen in the fundamentalist mindset and the churches refusal to change to a Missional mindset causes stagnation within the congregation and breeds discontent for the generation that wants to be an effective force in their community.

The message to the church has to be clear Change and grow don’t change and don’t grow.

Life, My Thoughts, Spiritual Application

Aug 13

Death By Love – Mark Driscoll’s New Book

Posted by Josh

All I can say is wow I read the chapter online from this book and it was moving and amazing.  I do like the way Mark rights.  You can check it out for yourself Here

Or you can just click play below if you have high speed it should work.

My Thoughts, Spiritual Application

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