Jul 21
Posted by Josh
You might be wondering what in the world am I talking about. What do I mean. Homiletic is actually the art of preaching. I am always looking at things and reading blogs of different pastors. Part of that is also looking at things that may help pastors as well. I have been a pastor for over 15 years. The other day I was doing some market research for a project I want to start and I ran across a resource that I thought could be helpful for pastors. I know there are times when pastor just do not have the time to get a sermon ready. So rather then snag one from John MaCarthur or Rick Warren and then claim it as you own why not use this Resource. I mean it is discrete and not some recycled sermon that perhaps your church has already heard on the radio and it is nice fresh content plus it has powerpoint included. Sure it may not be a substitute for preparing your own but it could be an awesome resource when you are in a crunch. Why not check out the Free Sermons they offer and go from there. I also wrote about this on this page . Check out the resources below.
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