I have not been able to update for the last few days because my hard drive crashed on the Mac. I know it is hard to believe but it is my second hard drive in 2 years and dumb me never backed it up. I took this time to do some more reading and finished one book and started another. Thanks to my buddy Chris Baker. He bought me both Why Guys Need God and Death By Church both by Mike Erre.
I thought I would take a some days ahead and blog about some of the things I have learned while reading these books or just use some quotes. I love to read and seeing what other have to say and these books have been great. Alot of times I will grab a quote and blog about that. So tonight I will blog about the first book and some stuff from the first chapter.
Chapter one is “In the Image” one of the first things that struck me as funny and sad was a story about his Youth Pastor. Funny because I did something similar, and sad because it shows the state of some of our churches.
I remember our youth pastor getting fired because he dared to take his suit off during the sermon (he was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt underneath) to make the point that God isn’t particularly impressed with our external appearance.
I am glad that I did not get fired when I did something similar to this though it did ruffle a few feathers. Most of those that listened to the message ddi not get it because they were so stuck on the fact that I was in the pulpit and not wearing a suit. The highlight was probably the fact that and elderly lady towards the front said while I was taking the suit off “take it off”! She was an awesome lady. However when I think about this I cant help to wonder why a church could be so caught up in there appearance ant not feel that this was wrong. I am sure there is more to the story than this.
Here is another quote from chapter one.
We do not know what it means to be masculine. If increased occurrences of abuse, immorality, divorce, homosexuality, and suicide are reliable indicators, then for all of our correctness and gender discussion, we are not better off.
Often times we do not really know what it is to be masculine. In some of the coming chapters the book laid out some great things that I will share at a later time.