Mar 16
Posted by Josh
I am sure you have probably heard of Christopher Hitchens but have you heard of his brother Peter Hitchens. Peter Hitchens has a book coming out on May 1st entitled The Rage Against God: How Atheism Led Me to Faith you can pre-order the book by clicking the Title. I found this video on youtube giving a preview check it out.
Life, My Thoughts, Spiritual Application
Mar 10
Posted by Josh
I have been giving some thought to wisdom lately. God’s word tells us that the wisdom of man is foolishness. I have often wondered if I have used my own wisdom (I use that term loosely) in making decisions or how often we have relied on our own wisdom instead of God’s.
Today I read this verse in 2 Corinthians 1:12
For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you.
You know we have to be so careful that when we make decision that we are not acting out of fleshly wisdom. Fleshly wisdom really flies in the face of God. Think about it we are told to love our enemies is that what fleshly wisdom says to do? Or we are told to turn the other cheek however fleshly wisdom says get even. God has continued to remind me of His grave over these past weeks.
You see sometimes I want to get angry or upset about something. There are times that I want to be frustrated but I realize what is the point. When I fail to forgive I am reminded of how much I have been forgiven. You see god is calling us to look at others as he sees them. He sees the heart and so often we fail to look inward and focus on the outward. You see it does not make any sense to forgive someone that has wronged, or has talked bad about us, or even done things to harm us. Fleshly wisdom says do not forgive but when I decide to act according to how God would have me respond I remember I have been forgiven much. Because I have been forgiven mush I must forgive much.
Life, My Thoughts, Spiritual Application