by Josh Monda | Dec 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
I have been thinking alot about knowledge lately. Â Sometime it seems we try to use knowledge as a weapon or as something to hold over someone else. Â I know people that can’t seem to wait to get the inside scoop on a situation just so they can say they know about it. Â Or to act as if somehow they know more about it than anyone else. Â Some people even seek out to know more then others to the point of gossip because they have to know what is going on in a situation. Â Interestingly enough these people never gain complete knowledge of a situation they merely gain what they want to know and hurl and cast their judgments from ignorance rathe than knowledge which seems odd when knowledge was apparently what they were seeking in the first place. Â Not sure if this makes sense to anyone. Â
This has become especially true over my circumstances in the recent weeks. Â Though I have been through alot as well as my family I am amazed about what people think they know about my situation only because they heard something from someone else. Â In reality these people know very little because they are acting on limited knowledge or in many cases ignorance. Â Some even casting judgments or having preconceived thoughts without really knowing all of what has happened.
Tonight I read
1 Corinthians 8:1-3 Now concerning things sacrificed to idols, we know that we all have knowledge Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies.  If anyone supposes that he knows anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know; but if anyone loves God, he is known by Him.
These verse are primarily dealing with christian liberty.  The Corinthians were faced with a huge dilemma and in reality they needed help.  Not much different then us they lived in the middle of a sinful and pleasure filled society so how were they to act.  The Corinthians needed guidance from the Apostle Paul could they eat meat offered to idol and what about social function what were they to do?  What restraints were put on the Christians liberty or freedom?  Could the Christian do whatever they wanted to do?  Is there a difference between the Christians behavior and the worlds?  It is with that backdrop that Paul is writing here in 1 Corinthians 8.  What I wan to talk about is this knowledge that Paul is talking about in the first 3 verses.
It seems to me what Paul is saying is to judge according to love not according to knowledge.  This strikes me as different because we usually do the opposite.  Paul states in the very first verse that “we all have knowledge”.  I am sure that some of the Corinthian believers were stressing the importance of using the intellect to determine right from wrong.  There are three very important points Paul gives us concerning knowledge in these verses.
1. Â Knowledge makes arrogant but love edifies. Â
I think the point is clear.  Just because one can reason through the facts and clearly see something gives them no right to be arrogant about it.  Yet our quest for knowledge about circumstances and the like often is done so we can know more than another believer or so we can set someone straight.  The root of this is arrogance.  This is the very thing Paul is coming against. Â
Paul is making it clear that the rule of all Christians is to be love not knowledge. Â It is love that builds others up and helps them to grow not knowledge. The Christian is not to run around stressing their superiority because they know more than someone else. Â We are to love and control our lives from love. Â
2. Â Paul tells us that knowledge is only partial. Â
Here is the kicker no matter what someone thinks they know it is always incomplete.  We are totally incapable of knowing anything in its fullness or its totality.  Of course we like to think we know things but in reality we do not.  We often like to try to think rationally but the truth of the matter is to be rational is often weak especially when compared to thinking through things with love instead of rationally.  So the next time we think we know something or we think we know the whole story I would encourage you to stop and think again and react and be motivated from love rather than knowledge.
3. Â Love unites us to God.
If someone loves God then that person is known by Him. Â Did you notice that we are not known by God because we are always thinking rationally. Â It also does not say that we are known by God based on our knowledge. Â It is based on one thing and that is our love. Â God know us because we love Him. Â The person that decides to base their life on love rather than knowledge that person is loved by God. Â
“But if anyone loves God, he is known by Him” (1 Corinthians 8:3)
I give this challenge the next time you seek knowledge about a circumstance or a situation try to seek love instead.  See if it makes a difference.  To often our knowledge leads to arrogance.  So much could be accomplished if we only sought love.
Well here we are with part 3 of the series “Who are you to Judge?  It was questionable whether or not I should take the few minutes and right this out.  Right now my wife is in the hospital with the possibility of our second child coming early.  Our first Sarai was born at 30 weeks and now Micah just over 30 weeks seems to want to come out.  But I have a quick break and thought I would do part 3.  Once again this is all coming from  Matthew 7:1-6
We have covered alot of ground but today I want to look at verse 3 which clearly tells us that the judgmental critical person fails to look at themselves.  This person is very inconsistent in how they criticize and judge others as they refuse to look within first.  Here is the problem all too often we continue to look at everyone else’s failures and shortcomings, and we criticize, and backbite, and love to engage in the bad news.
You see when we do this we show that we have a very serious problem and that problem is this there is a giant beam in our own eye. Â We are blind to the truth that we are no better than anyone else. Â We too fail and fall short and we do it often. Â
In Matthew 7:5 we are call hypocrites for not taking the beam out of our own eye
In Romans 3:10 we are told no one is righteous so why do we think we can judge?
In 1 Corinthians 11:28 we are told to examine ourselves not examine others first.
In Isaiah 53:6 we are told that every last one of us has gone astray. Yet we want to judge others that have gone astray?
If “Christians” would stop looking at everyone elses faults and stop making feeble attempts to judge their motives and their thoughts and why maybe they did a certain thing and we just focussed on show the world that we are the disciples of Jesus Christ by our love for one another (John 13:35) then maybe we could make progress. Â Until then it will be much more of the same.Â
Come tomorrow when we hopefully have part 4. Â We will see how the critical, judgmental person is deceived about themselves.
Yesterday I started a little blogging series on judging so today I will continue with that series.  As stated yesterday the first thing I notice from Matthew 7:1-6 is that there is a definite command “do not judge” I also stated the greek word for judge used is (krinite) which also means to criticize.
Often times when a person has done what others feel is wrong and fallen the first reaction is to judge that person but judgment often times misses the point. Â
When someone has messed up as we all do shouldn’t this be a time for compassion towards that person. Â This should be a time of reaching out to the person and making an offer to love on that person and to pull them in even closer, not push them further and further away. Â This is a time to speak kind words of them not bite and tear them down with destructive talk. Â (Ephesians 4:30-32)
We should take time to show loving compassion for those who have come short why? Â Well we realize that we too have come short so many times and in many cases much worse then the one we are judging.
Then why is it that people so often and so quickly move to judging and criticizing? Â Not only that why is that so often these are the what we might call “Strong Christians”. Â There are several reason why this takes place and let me say as I state these this was me and probably still is to a certain extent. Â
1.  When we judge or criticize another person it boosts our self-image.  When we tear someone else down it makes us seem better at least that is how we see it, somehow we are better then that other person.  It inflates our pride, ego, and our own self image.
2. Â We enjoy criticism. Â Think of all the successful talk shows, movies, and so forth that are based primarily on this issue we love to hear and share bad news and others shortcomings.
3. Â When we judge and criticize it makes us feel as if somehow our own life is better than the person that failed.
4. Â When we judge and criticize it helps us justify ourselves and all the shortcomings that we have. Â We begin to rationalize our own failures because we can point out failures in other people.
5. Â Judgment and criticism we think is a sign of strength. Â When we criticize someone else we believe it just once again proves our narrow minded beliefs by the other persons failure to live up to that standard.
6. Â Judgment and Criticism gives us a chance for hurt and revenge. Â We feel that somehow that person that we are judging and being critical of deserves it. Â Our reasoning go’s like this “if he hurt me, he deserves to be hurt.” Â So we look for ways to hurt them.
I am going to close with reasons why we should not be so fast to judge and criticize.
1. Â We never know all of the circumstance and all of the facts. Â What happened and why it happened are never really known. Â So often there are all kinds of things that have taken place behind the scenes that are not seen by others. Â Think about just these relationships Children and parents, wives and husbands, employer and employee, friend and friend, in all these relationships things happen behind closed doors so often. Â In addition to that things are seldom remembered and when they are remembered the facts are messed up. Â Usually the person that does the talking does not reveal the true fact but many times reveals only the fact that make them look good. Â The one that is in a hurry to tell others the problem is the one that seeks self-justification. Â The one that desires to be silent is the one who is caring and compassionate. Â The spirit of silence is silent because it does not desire hurt for others.
2. Â The second reason we should not be so quick to criticize and judge is that all people it does not matter who you are or what your position is come short, all fall, and all fail. Â In addition to that we all sin (1 John 1:8, 10). Â No one at any time is ever exempt from sin. Â When we are quick to bring out the whip of judgment and criticism we have a big problem; we have forgotten that we are also sinners. Â It is only when we acknowledge our own condition that we act with care and compassion to those that fall short. Â We must realize though they may be failing now we failed before and we will fail again. Â Sin is a cycle that is continuous and no one is exempt it started in the beginning when Adam and Eve ate of the tree and it will not end until Jesus returns. Â Those that believe in Christ have His righteousness imputed upon them and we are dependent upon that (2 Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 3:8-16). Â We must always be seeking after God’s forgiveness and forgetting those things that are behind us.
I want to make it clear that I am not saying that we have a license to go out and sin all we want neither is our sin just excused.  We are not to continue in sin, not by being quick to judge and criticize nor by doing evil.  We all have weaknesses and shortcomings the person that really knows God is the one who is constantly seeking God.  ”And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)
3. Â Everything that there is to know about a person is never known. Â How then can we judge and criticize? Â Think about all the things that mold us into who we are. Â Think about our parents what are they like, how were we treated for the 18 years we lived at home. Â What did our fathers or mothers teach us? Â What kid of friends did we have or do we have? Â There are many factors that influence the person that may be failing. Â Do we know what it is influencing them? Â What kind of genes has this person inherited? Â Are the loving, shy, strict, arrogant, strong, fiery? Â There is so much that influences the human life that only Go can know a person well enough to judge him. Â We can really never know someone well enough to pass judgment on them.
4. Â Judging others usurps God’s authority. Â When someone is critical and judges of another they are saying they have the right and are worthy to be the judge over other lives. Â They are in essence claiming the right to be God, which is absolutely ridiculous. Â Yet I believe most people including myself have laid claim to the right at one time or another, and some claim the right o exercise a judgmental critical spirit all the time.Â
Lets not forget what the Scripture says “Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master [God] he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.” (brackets added by me) (Romans 14:4, James 4:11-12)
Tomorrow I will look at verse 2 and how it is made very clear that we will be judged with the same judgement or criticism we use and we will be judged with the same measurement.
Let me also make it clear that this series is not talking about specific occasions when value judgments must be made, nor is it speaking of the careful discrimination that has to be made at times, finally it is not speaking of the moral judgment that we at times have to make either. Â It is speaking of the harsh judgmental, and often critical spirit that has invaded our churches and our lives at times.
I recently had a conversation with someone and they asked me what I though was the most popular verse among young people right now? Â My reply was I would think it would be Matthew 7:1 “Judge not, that ye be judged.” Â His response was your right. Â So I began to wonder why that was and I felt that most people may take this verse out of context. Â By the way the Greek word here for judge here is (krinete) which means to criticize, condemn, judge, censor, etc. Â It is interesting that it means to criticize. Â It is speaking of fault finding; being picky.
Here is Matthew 7:1-6
 1“Do not judge so that you will not be judged. 2 For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.  3 Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?  4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye?  5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.  6 Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
So I thought maybe I would spend the next few days just doing some work with these verses. Â So today will be more of an introduction then tomorrow I will get more into detail I think.
When I read these verse one of the first things that I notice is the we are told right from the start “do not judge”. Â This is a command do not judge. Â (v. 1)
Secondly it is made very clear that we will be judged with the same judgement or criticism we use and we will be judged with the same measurement (v. 2)
The thirdly think I have noticed is that the person doing the judging spends time looking for faults in others but spends very little time looking at themselves (v. 3)
The fourth thing I notice is that the person doing the judging is deceived about themselves (v. 4)
The fifth thing we notice is that the person doing the judging is really a hypocrite the text even calls them a hypocrite because of their failure to look at their own sin first (v. 5)
The sixth and final thing I notice is that this person is undeserving of the gospel (reality we all are) but this person tramples it under their feet and tears people apart (v.6)
Christ is not holding back when talking about those who are judgmental and critical. Â So over the next few days I will take at least one of the above points at a time and break it down.
by Josh Monda | Dec 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
Just recently I left Pennsylvania with my wife and my 10 day old son and started the trek to Missouri.  Currently I am in Urbana Illinois staying in the Eastland Suites.  If you are ever this way I would recommend them.  One of my good friends asked me what I was going to do on my last day in PA.  I really did not know what I would do but my last day was definitely a busy one. Â
It started by waking up and finishing some things up for our move.  We had some cleaning and some other things to do.  We then took our baby to see a few people later that day and then spent some time with some friends.  It was a good time.  I enjoyed my last day just spending time with some old friends two of which I had not had the chance to talk to in awhile.  It was so nice to just catch up with people and to just sit down and be myself and hang out and act goofy with others.  One of the guys I hung with has his own site you can check it out here.  I knew all of these guys from tie in Youth Ministry together.  To be honest I could not think of a better way to spend my last day then just being me and that is what I had the chance to do.
Over my 9 years in PA it has been great.  It has been awesome to see how the Lord has allowed me to have an effect on the lives of many, many teenagers.  I had so many opportunities to lead teens to Christ and had the chance to see many teens not only come to know the Lord but to also follow after the Lord in their lives.  ore than one parent thanked me for the affect I had on the life of their teen.  I can remember one parent that spent some time talking with me and brought me to tears.  I praise the Lord for the gifts he has given me and I pray that I have made a difference in PA in the lives of those that I have had the opportunity to minister to.  Whether they were teens or adults.  I believe a legacy is not found really in what you leave behind at the church but what you leave behind in the lives of those you have touched.  When I left PA I left a part of my heart with those God blessed me to minister to.  Whether it was through a Bible class, a sermon, or just being there for someone.  I pray God bless you all and may God use you to bring others to Him.
If you have ever had a premature baby you know that there are definitely many ups and many downs.  Our daughter was born premature she was born at 30 weeks and had to spend 48 days in the hospital.  That was a little over 8 years ago.  For y wife and I that was an emotional roller coaster one visit everything was great and the next everything was not good at all.  It was a very difficult time for us and our faith was stretched to great lengths.
Once again with the birth of Micah John Monda we had another early birth.  Micah was born at 33 weeks and 3 days which is very good as far as premies are concerned.  He came out doing great right from the start.  He cried quickly and looked healthy.  During his first check ups in the NICU the doctor told us he was doing better then expected.  Tomorrow will mark is seventh day in the hospital and the doctors are telling us it looks like he can come home Tuesday.  Wow this is great news for us.  We have had people literally all around this world praying not only for the birth of our son but praying for his health.
 I remember the day my son was born I sat and looked at him and wept to think God would bless us so greatly and I often think of the faith of that little preemie daughter we had and how very early on she began to pray every day that her mommy would have a baby.  What faith and what and awesome testimony of prayer she already has at 8 years old to see an answer to prayer that she constantly prayed for for years. How awesome is our GOD.
In addition to all this we are in the middle of a move. Â We had a group of teens show up at our house to hel us move and that was a true blessing. Â In addition we had Keith Stutzman and Jim Smith show up. Â They really helped us a great deal in packing a 26 foot Penske truck full. Â Everything has been loaded and is on its way to Missouri. Â My wife and I are sleeping on air mattresses and doing some final cleaning and then we will wait word from the doctors before heading for Missouri. Â
On a crazier side we were told we had to find an infant car seat that would hold a child for 4 pounds.  Are you aware that most car seat are rated at 5 pounds and up.  Here is the kicker we found only two car seat stroller combos that are rated at 4 pounds an up.  1 was and Eddie Bauer stroller System the cost for it was 229 ouch compared the one I had picked out at 169.  I did not like the Eddie Bauer system it was not user friendly.  So our only other option was this Chicco System it was a measly 279.  That was 279 I did not plan on spending.  So I am thankful for Laura Smith who found me a coupon and I saved 10 percent at Baby Depot which helped.  Why don’t more companies make these things for smaller babies and help us out.
 The hospital told us they are going through some sort of thing right now where they don’t have the car seats to give away.  So what do they do with people that cant afford to spend this kind of money?  I couldn’t afford it but I want my child home.  On top of that the brakes on the only vehicle I have here are shot.  Actually I think the Caliper is frozen up do I have to get it fixed before we leave but it is the only vehicle we have in PA so I will probably have to rent something while it gets repaired.  Man this is all too crazy.  But Praise the Lord my son is coming home.  Sorry for all this depressing stuff that went along with it.
I am really tired. Â It has all hit me at once. I guess between dealing with my resignation, traveling back and forth to the hospital multiple times, gearing up to move, deciding whether to wait or jump back into ministry, it is just wearing me down. Â
Friday my wife will be induced and will give birth to our son Micah John Monda. Â Her pregnancy will be at 34 weeks so he will have to spend some time in the NICU. Â In addition to that my mother will be here on that same day with one of my friends, and my niece and nephew. Â So while my wife is in labor I have to somehow get my mom to the hospital, and I have to pick up the moving truck that day. Â In addition to that Saturday it will be time to pack so we have to get the truck loaded and off to Missouri. Â Then I have to decide whether to drive to Missouri and fly back to get my wife or do I stay here. Â These are decision are weighing heavy on me and so is everything else. Â Sorry for the rant. Â Pray for strength right now I feel I have little but when we are weak He is strong.
Wow these last few days have been extremely crazy for me.  It all started yesterday.  My wife said she was having alot more contractions and our baby is at 32 weeks in addition she said she had not felt the baby move for awhile.  So I told her it was better to be safe then sorry and to call the dr.  She took my advice and the dr. sent us to hospital to get it checked out.  This was our 5th trip to the hospital during this pregnancy.  While there the nurse ran some tests and said that her water had broke and she was admitted.  We both thought that id were water had broke then our child would be born that night.  We were obviously wrong. Â
So I spent the night in an uncomfortable chair and got about 3 hours of sleep before coming home showering and heading back to the hospital.  When I got back to the hospital we received good news.  The nurse said that another test was negative and that her water may not have broke so if she got three negatives she would be allowed to come home tonight.  However, you guessed it the next two showed signs that her water may have broke.  Confused?  Me too.  So they decided to keep her.  Not sure how long maybe until the baby is born we do not know. Â
So in the middle of this I received a phone call from a Pastor who had been in contact with me about the possibility of becoming their Youth Pastor.  The kicker is everything with this church at the moment is matching up perfectly.  Well other then it will be 1,000 miles from our family still.  But everything else is perfect it is almost too good.  New building, in a place I have always wanted to live, more of a rural setting, Is this from the Lord?  God please make it known to me. Â
In addition to all this my mom will be here next Friday and I have so much to get done for the move.  The plan is to send everything back to Missouri but my wife may still be in the Hospital?  This is crazy.  If you got some advice give it.
Sorry for the rambling just needed to say something.
Well we found out few days ago that my wife had to go on bed rest. Â I knew something was wrong when the we got to the hospital and the nurse was checking everything out and said this is not good we have to admit you. Â So after what was the second stay in the hospital and with Micah John at almost 31 weeks the Dr. said no activity you need to rest. Â No big deal right. Â Wrong this turns out to be huge deal.
The plan for us was to move on the 23rd of this month to MO that is now 3 weeks away and I am so in trouble. Â My wife and I kind of motivate each other and to be honest there are days I don’t want to do anything but there is so much to do. Â It is so overwhelming. Â I actually have alot done and maybe I am over exaggerating but it seems like so much to do by myself. Â What is awesome is that some of the ladies from the church have set it up for us to have meals all week long that is so great. Â I mean I like to cook but to cook, clean, pack, take care of Sarai it is alot. Â Now I know how my wife feels. Â
Ok so what makes it even harder is if my wife does not have the Micah before we leave then obviously we cant leave and if she does have him before we leave then we probably cant leave.  Crazy I pray God why would you be keeping me here longer there is a reason I pray He will show me.  Anyway so we will be sending everything well most everything we own to Missouri on Memorial Day weekend and Tzigane and I will head to Missouri with Micah later.  Well at least that is the plan for now.
Another thing moving is stinking expensive. Â I mean to rent a truck it is nearly 900 bucks plus our gas ouch. Â Plus our other vehicles that is not cheap. Â In addition my lease is for one year which is until July ouch again. Â
Well if you read this blog it is just kind of an update on things that are going on in my life which is no big deal ha. Â
Keep praying for Micah John Monda he is now almost 32 weeks. Â Pray for my wife because I pretty much keep her in bed all day. Â Pray that god will give us direction.
by Josh Monda | Dec 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
Recently I listened to an interview with Rick Warren and whether you like his stuff or not he had some good things to say in the interview. Â In this interview he commented on many things. Â For instance he spoke on stages they try to take people through at Saddleback. Â They were first to “Know Christ”,Then to Love Christ’s family, then to grow in Christ, then to serve Christ, finally to share Christ. Â This is a process that they attempt to take people through. Â I enjoyed what he had to say about this because it seems in many churches their is not a process, or even a plan for that matter. Â It seems more like a somewhat organized Chaos with no real plan. Â On top of that when asked to put their plan into words most churches can not primarily because they do not have a plan. Â This can be and is counter intuitive to many churches. Â If the people do not know where they are going or where they are being lead then “aren’t they following blindly”.
Really what impressed me most was Warren’s comments on discipleship.  Warren spoke that Saddleback was built on a series of five covenants.  The first is their entry point “Come and See” he said there is no commitment to “Come and See” the only thing you have to do is show up.  You can sit wherever you want, you don’t have to sing any songs you are not forced to say anything you just come and see.  Warren was quick to point out that Jesus never left the people there. Â
“From “Come and See” Jesus would take them through consistent steps.  During this time Jesus is constantly turning up the heat.  As they begin to follow Him Jesus begins to say things like You’re my disciple if…He redefines commitment.  ”You’re my disciple if you love on another.”  ”You’re my disciple if you bear fruit.”  ”You’re my disciple if you take up your cross, deny yourself,  and follow Me.”  And on and on Jesus is turning up the heat.”
“In those days, nobody took up a cross unless the Romans were going to nail him to it. So He’s saying, “Come and die.” There’s a huge difference in commitment between “Come and see” and “Come and die.” He doesn’t say “Come and die” at the very first. He takes three years into a relationship with them. And He’s moving them.”
“Churches have not understood that commitment is sequential, systematic, and processed. And to move them from “Come and see” to “Come and die” is what Purpose Driven is all about.”
“What happens is churches tend to be one or the other. You’re either a “Come and see” church or a “Come and die” church. And the “Come and see” churches bring them in the front door and win a lot of people to Christ, but they don’t deepen them to deeper levels of maturity. The “Come and die” church doesn’t reach anybody for Christ, and they’ve got their frozen chosen that they keep taking deeper and deeper and deeper. But those people have koinitis. They’re so close no one else can break into it.”
“What a church has to do is see that “Come and see” and “Come and die” is the whole spectrum. And how do you get people from “Come and see” to “Come and die?” There are classes. There are covenants. There are commitments. There are cells. There’s coaching.”
“It’s not just one-on-one. It’s not just one to small group. It’s not just one to big crowd. There is a combination. And you have to take into account that people learn in different ways. Most churches have not built the levels of learning into discipleship.”
 So often we have no plan.  Our plan is watch this movie, read this book, take someone else through this book.  That is not really discipleship.  So often there is no process to grow someone in Christ.  They either “Come and See” and never get moved beyond that or we as them to “come and die” and they are not ready for that.  Why is it we seldom move people through a time of discipleship.  Rarely do we really take time to get to know those we are supposedly discipling so how do we really know where to start?  We really need to revolutionize how we look at discipleship and stop wasting time.  We need to strip discipleship of all of its protective gear and stop worrying about people seeing the real us and stop pretending to be something we are not and start invading peoples lives with who Jesus Christ is.  We need to be willing to stick it out for a long haul and show them whatever way it takes for them to understand who Jesus is and move them into the direction of “come and die” then we will have radical committed disciples of Jesus Christ.
Please not that the quoted text are the words of Rick Warren in the interview. Â
by Josh Monda | Dec 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
Recently I listened to an interview with Rick Warren and whether you like his stuff or not he had some good things to say in the interview. Â In this interview he commented on many things. Â For instance he spoke on stages they try to take people through at Saddleback. Â They were first to “Know Christ”,Then to Love Christ’s family, then to grow in Christ, then to serve Christ, finally to share Christ. Â This is a process that they attempt to take people through. Â I enjoyed what he had to say about this because it seems in many churches their is not a process, or even a plan for that matter. Â It seems more like a somewhat organized Chaos with no real plan. Â On top of that when asked to put their plan into words most churches can not primarily because they do not have a plan. Â This can be and is counter intuitive to many churches. Â If the people do not know where they are going or where they are being lead then “aren’t they following blindly”.
Really what impressed me most was Warren’s comments on discipleship.  Warren spoke that Saddleback was built on a series of five covenants.  The first is their entry point “Come and See” he said there is no commitment to “Come and See” the only thing you have to do is show up.  You can sit wherever you want, you don’t have to sing any songs you are not forced to say anything you just come and see.  Warren was quick to point out that Jesus never left the people there. Â
“From “Come and See” Jesus would take them through consistent steps.  During this time Jesus is constantly turning up the heat.  As they begin to follow Him Jesus begins to say things like You’re my disciple if…He redefines commitment.  ”You’re my disciple if you love on another.”  ”You’re my disciple if you bear fruit.”  ”You’re my disciple if you take up your cross, deny yourself,  and follow Me.”  And on and on Jesus is turning up the heat.”
“In those days, nobody took up a cross unless the Romans were going to nail him to it. So He’s saying, “Come and die.” There’s a huge difference in commitment between “Come and see” and “Come and die.” He doesn’t say “Come and die” at the very first. He takes three years into a relationship with them. And He’s moving them.”
“Churches have not understood that commitment is sequential, systematic, and processed. And to move them from “Come and see” to “Come and die” is what Purpose Driven is all about.”
“What happens is churches tend to be one or the other. You’re either a “Come and see” church or a “Come and die” church. And the “Come and see” churches bring them in the front door and win a lot of people to Christ, but they don’t deepen them to deeper levels of maturity. The “Come and die” church doesn’t reach anybody for Christ, and they’ve got their frozen chosen that they keep taking deeper and deeper and deeper. But those people have koinitis. They’re so close no one else can break into it.”
“What a church has to do is see that “Come and see” and “Come and die” is the whole spectrum. And how do you get people from “Come and see” to “Come and die?” There are classes. There are covenants. There are commitments. There are cells. There’s coaching.”
“It’s not just one-on-one. It’s not just one to small group. It’s not just one to big crowd. There is a combination. And you have to take into account that people learn in different ways. Most churches have not built the levels of learning into discipleship.”
 So often we have no plan.  Our plan is watch this movie, read this book, take someone else through this book.  That is not really discipleship.  So often there is no process to grow someone in Christ.  They either “Come and See” and never get moved beyond that or we as them to “come and die” and they are not ready for that.  Why is it we seldom move people through a time of discipleship.  Rarely do we really take time to get to know those we are supposedly discipling so how do we really know where to start?  We really need to revolutionize how we look at discipleship and stop wasting time.  We need to strip discipleship of all of its protective gear and stop worrying about people seeing the real us and stop pretending to be something we are not and start invading peoples lives with who Jesus Christ is.  We need to be willing to stick it out for a long haul and show them whatever way it takes for them to understand who Jesus is and move them into the direction of “come and die” then we will have radical committed disciples of Jesus Christ.
Please not that the quoted text are the words of Rick Warren in the interview. Â
by Josh Monda | Dec 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
Welcome to part 6 the final part of Who are you to judge?  Remember we are talking about  Matthew 7:1-6.  Today we want to look at the fact that this critical judgmental person is not worthy of the gospel.
 In Matthew 7:6 we read “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”  Christ is very simply stating to us that we should not be foolish and jeopardize ourselves.  When we know that a person is not going to receive us or the instruction of the gospel, we are not to approach them.  To make it simple there are some criticizers ad some people that are so full of criticism that we just should not go to them.  These people will only abuse the glorious message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This language that Christ used was very strong. Â There are unbelievers that are so wicked and so nasty that they can be compared to dogs and pigs. Â I have known some of these very people. Â These people are said to be unworthy of the gospel. Â Well who are these people.
- The widely known sinner
- Those that ridicule and are filled with disrespect
- Those that are filled with rage.
- Those that are openly wicked and stand against God.
- Those that are hardened themselves and are filled with judgment and criticism.
- Those that hate and despise
- Those that persecute.
If the question is can they be saved? Â The answer is absolutely. Â for “WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.” (Romans 10:13)
Anyone that call on the Lord will be saved. Â However, there is a hard reality that must be faced: there are people that have reached such a high level of evil they are very unlikely to turn from their wickedness and to call upon the Lord. Â These people seek to take their words andÂ
wound others, they ridicule, they trample, the tear apart, they scorn, they attack, they are filled with rage, they defy.
These same people take there minds and their hand and their power and they
trample others, they strike other people, they tear others down. the persecute others, they beat them, kill, and even torture them.
Now I am not saying that everyone commits all of these sins, but hey we all know that many people are guilty of some of them.  These sins destroy the reputation and work of a person.  Here is the real tragedy, there are so many so called believers that are caught up in this criticism and judgments of others.  Believer are all to often the very ones that are guilty of taking their word and hands to damage the reputation and work of others.
But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.  For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers,disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:1-4)
Well that’s it. Â If you have read this series I hope maybe something has helped you. Â
Welcome to part 5 of “who are you to judge”  remember we are looking at Matthew 7:1-6.  Today we want to see that the critical judgmental person is in reality a hypocrite.  Before a person can pass judgment they must first get rid of the sin in their own lives.  When we judge and criticize others we are hypocrites. Â
In fact when we judge others we prove that we are full of conflict and empty glory. Â We prove that we are not humble in mind and that we do not regard others as more important that us.
“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4)
When we judge and criticize we also show that we fail to consider our own selves and we fail to show a spirit of gentleness. Â We fail to bear the burden of out brother.
Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:1-2)
When we chose to jude and criticize we are only proving that we are filled with bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, and malice. Â We are failing to be tenderhearted and forgiving. Â We forget that God through the blood of Jesus Christ has forgiven us.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:31-32)
There are many people who suffer because of the judgment and criticism of others.  When a person has failed and done some wrong it is not time to kick them or beat them up but it is time for compassion.  It is time to reach out and to pull that person up, not push them away.  This is a time to speak kindly of the person, not to speak destructive talk.  The hypocrite fails to do this.  Where do we find Christ beating the person who is down?  Where do we find Him showing no compassion for that person that has failed?
The only hope for the hypocrite, the one who judges and is critical is for that person to “take the log out of their own eye” then turn to God in repentance. Â
The fact of the matter is this when we judge and criticize we are hypocrites.  Why?  Because we too have failed, and we have failed often, so for us to judge another persons failure is hypocritical.  The point is this not only have we failed but guess what? We will one day fail again therefore there are four things we must do.
1. Â We have to know ourselves. Â We are just as sinful as the next person and we need God’s forgiveness as much as anyone else. Â We will need God’s forgiveness, again and again just like anyone else. Â We are all sinners and we all have been saved by God’s grace. Â
2. Â We must not usurp God’s position as judge. Â God and God alone is God. Â God is the only one that has all the facts and has the ability to judge according to those facts (James 4:11-12).
3.  First we have to cast the log out of our own eye.  We are to first get rid of sin in our own lives, which could be the critical and judgmental spirit that we already posses.  Then we can see clearly and do what what we should be doing; which is helping those who are failing.
4.  We must reach out in compassion and understanding to the person who has failed, not in judgment and criticism. Â
Come back tomorrow as we see that this person in undeserving of the gospel and why?
Well here we are with part 4 of our series on Who are you to judge?  Once again this is all coming from Matthew 7:1-6.  This stemmed from a conversation I had with a friend when he said that Matthew 7:1 was the most popular verse among teens (according to him).  So I wondered why and decided to launch this study on the verses found in Matthew.  If you want to use anything I have written be my guest.
What we are going to see today is that the judgmental critical person is actually deceived about themselves.  This is seen in verse 4 when it states ”Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye?” Â
It is quite clear that the critical judgmental person has not given any thought to what they are doing.  How can we say this?  Well a person that actually puts thought into it realizes that they are just as human and just as sinful as anyone else.  This person has just as many motes in their eye as anyone else, and because of  this they have lost their right to criticize and be judgmental.
This person that is judgmental and critical is deceived on some many different levels here are a few.
This person is overlooking, denying, or ignoring that they also have sin.
1. Â When we judge others we exalt ourselves as gods. Â It is God’s right and who are we to take that right from Him. Â We are not worthy nor do we have the right to judge another (Romans 14:4; James 4:11-12)
2.  Our judgment of others only pushes a brother down and tears him to pieces.  It does not embrace him in compassion nor does it build him up.
3. Â When we judge others it becomes the beam in our eye. Â All sin is great including the judging and criticizing of a brother that has failed.
We also must take careful notice that the criticizer is not fit to judge.
The person that judges and criticizes is just as sinful as the next person but does not consider their own life.  However, it is interesting that this same person feels free to be critical of other who come short and fail, but refuses to look inward.  They spend a great deal of time condemning others, and then justify their own actions.
We also should not that the person doing the judging and criticizing is the weaker of the two. Â The person that is weak is the one who judges and criticizes the most, they do this because of their need to boost themselves over others all to feel good about themselves.
The critical judgmental person does not take time to examine themselves and this is for one primary reason. Â It hurts. Â It hurts to look deep within yourself and to see if their is anything that God needs to deel with and that is why so few people do it yet look at what God says “But if we judged ourselves rightly, we would not be judged” (1 Corinthians 11:31)
Many people are deceiving their own consciences when they judge and criticize others.  Let me give you a few things people do when being judgmental and critical they do these things because they think it makes it ok to judge and be critical (deceiving their conscience).
1. Â When they are judgmental and critical they try to be nice, and soft spoken, using soft words thinking this must make it ok to judge. Â
2. Â They will give some commendable strengths as well as passing along the other person failings. Somehow thinking this makes it ok as long as we pass something good along with the judgmental spirit.
3.  By prefacing the criticism with a statement that is it “constructive” we have all heard it.  Can you take “constructive criticism”?  Somehow we take what we have to say and twist and ad the words constructive to it and think that makes it ok.
I want this to be the last verse I leave with
There is a kind who is pure in his own eyes, Yet is not washed from his filthiness. (Proverbs 30:20)
Come back tomorrow as we see that this person that is being judgmental and critical is really a hypocrite.
Well here we are with part 3 of the series “Who are you to Judge?  It was questionable whether or not I should take the few minutes and right this out.  Right now my wife is in the hospital with the possibility of our second child coming early.  Our first Sarai was born at 30 weeks and now Micah just over 30 weeks seems to want to come out.  But I have a quick break and thought I would do part 3.  Once again this is all coming from  Matthew 7:1-6
We have covered alot of ground but today I want to look at verse 3 which clearly tells us that the judgmental critical person fails to look at themselves.  This person is very inconsistent in how they criticize and judge others as they refuse to look within first.  Here is the problem all too often we continue to look at everyone else’s failures and shortcomings, and we criticize, and backbite, and love to engage in the bad news.
You see when we do this we show that we have a very serious problem and that problem is this there is a giant beam in our own eye. Â We are blind to the truth that we are no better than anyone else. Â We too fail and fall short and we do it often. Â
In Matthew 7:5 we are call hypocrites for not taking the beam out of our own eye
In Romans 3:10 we are told no one is righteous so why do we think we can judge?
In 1 Corinthians 11:28 we are told to examine ourselves not examine others first.
In Isaiah 53:6 we are told that every last one of us has gone astray. Yet we want to judge others that have gone astray?
If “Christians” would stop looking at everyone elses faults and stop making feeble attempts to judge their motives and their thoughts and why maybe they did a certain thing and we just focussed on show the world that we are the disciples of Jesus Christ by our love for one another (John 13:35) then maybe we could make progress. Â Until then it will be much more of the same.Â
Come tomorrow when we hopefully have part 4. Â We will see how the critical, judgmental person is deceived about themselves.
Welcome to part 2 of the series “who are you to judge?” coming from Matthew 7:1-6 I am really not sure if anyone is reading this but I’ll keep going. Â Today we are going to look at verse 2 and how we will be judged with the same judgement that was used when we judged others and with the same measurement. Â
The first thing we see here in verse 2 is “for in the way you judge you will be judged”  This is a clear statement that the one doing the judging and criticizing will be judged for the very thing he is criticizing.  Whatever he is criticizing, he will condemned for the same thing, not by man but by God Himself.  This alone should move us to care and love and to live a life of compassion.
Secondly we see that the one doing the judging and criticizing will be judged with equal measure that he uses to judge. Â I found that it could be stated several ways. Â
- The Law of equal judgment    Â
- The law of equal measure
- The law of equal retributions
- The law of reciprocal action
- The law of equal weight
- The law of equal proportion
- The law of equal retaliation
- The law of equal sin
However you look at it you will measured with the same measure you have used. Â
But it really does not stop there James tells us that the one who does not show mercy will receive a merciless judgment James 2:13
Jesus takes it even farther when he tells us in Luke 6:36-37Â ”Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Â Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned;Â pardon, and you will be pardoned.
We must be so very careful when we have the attitude of setting ourselves up as judge and when we begin to immediately become critical of others and what they are doing.Â
We are told in Romans that if we judge others and criticize others we have no excuse we had better expect to be judged ourselves.  ”Therefore you have no excuse, everyone of you who passes judgment, for in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.” Romans 2:1
This is serious so often we pay little attention to our judgmental and critical attitude and we think it is ok. Â But as was already shared from James 2:13Â God will forgive a repentant sinner but it is also clear the there is no mercy for the one that does not show mercy. Â This is a scary thought and this alone should cause us to really stop before we judge.
I will close today’s post with this. Â When we think of casting judgment and being critical, when we think of ourselves as maybe better then someone else or we attempt to knock someone down a little. Â Think of these two passages of scripture and think of being compassionate and not judgmental and critical.
For the same God who said, “You must not commit adultery,” also said, “You must not murder.” So if you murder someone but do not commit adultery, you have still broken the law.So whatever you say or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law that sets you free. (NLT) James 2:11-12
Don’t grumble about each other, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. For look—the Judge is standing at the door! (NLT) James 5:9
May God’s word penetrate your heart