9 Traits of a self-righteous man
I was doing some reading and got to thinking just how destructive
self-righteous personalities are not just in everyday life but especially
in the church. So I wanted to write a blog article about this to help us
recognize others who are self-righteous and maybe even to recognize if we
have some self-righteous ways in us. The self-righteous man is a creature
who believes he is the only one who gets it right. He stands in front of
an audience, preaching to them about how they should live their lives
while blatantly ignoring his own faults. The self-righteous man can be
found in many places worldwide, whether it’s in the classroom, the office,
or at home.
What are the characteristics of a self-righteous man?
Table of Contents
- 9 Traits of a self righteous man
- 1. What are the characteristics of a self-righteous man?
- 1.1. He feels superior to everyone else.
- 1.2. He hates to admit he’s wrong.
- 1.3. Thinks people should bow down to him.
- 1.4. He insists on having his way.
- 1.5. He loves to talk and talk and talk and never listens.
- 1.6. He hates it when other people disagree with him.
- 1.7. He is a narcissist
- 1.8. He lacks empathy
- 1.9. He has a sense of entitlement.
He feels superior to everyone else.
A self-righteous man is someone who thinks that they are the best person in the room. They think they are better than everyone else and will always find ways to make themselves feel superior. For instance, they will make fun of others for their mistakes and flaws while not admitting the slightest mistake or flaw in themselves. Self-righteous people will often use religious or political affiliations to make themselves feel like they are more special than everyone else.
He hates to admit he’s wrong.
The self-righteous man. Though it seems like everyone struggles with this, these men are notorious for their lack of willingness to accept their mistakes. This is a usually annoying trait, at best, and destructive, at worst. Some men feel so entitled to their opinions that they cannot be open-minded enough to change their minds when presented with the facts otherwise, especially if it means accepting they were wrong.
Thinks people should bow down to him.
Let me illustrate. Ivan is a self-righteous man with a superiority complex. He thinks that he deserves to be treated better than most people because of his intelligence, power, or status in life. He will often try to give the appearance that he is humble, but in his mind, he is better than everyone else; modesty is not his intention. His false humility is just another ploy to prove that he is better. He genuinely believes he is better than others and needs them to acknowledge it for him. This person will try to set themselves up as the leader in every church committee they serve on.
He insists on having his way.
A self-righteous man has many bad qualities, but the one I want to focus on her is his insistence on having his way. He likes to think that he knows what’s best for everyone and that he should be able to dictate how they live their lives. For example, he may get into a massive fight with a co-worker because he insisted that the person should take the “scenic route” instead of the “fast route.” If this person is in the church or leading a church committee if anything is ever recommended contrary to “his way,” he will find a way to shoot it down, and if they can’t, they will use that wonderful church excuse, “we always have done it this way”?
He loves to talk and talk and talk and never listens.
Everywhere he goes, the self-righteous man brings his opinions and his way of life with him. He loves to talk and talk and talk and never listens. Whatever he’s talking about, he has an answer for everything. The worst part is that he thinks what he says is right no matter what anyone else says. This person will spend all kinds of time talking about their achievements or what they have accomplished or even what their family has accomplished so that everyone will notice how great they are. They can’t wait to turn the conversation into something they can talk about, and if they do not know what is being discussed, they will often pretend like they do.
He hates it when other people disagree with him.
The self-righteous man hates it when other people disagree with him. He is often confrontational and will argue like a dog with a bone. When he becomes angry, his thoughts narrow to only thoughts of getting revenge on the person who has wronged him. He can’t stand not getting what he wants and will stop at nothing to get it. It will not matter if this person is in the church or not; they can’t have people disagreeing with them and not seeing things the way they do. They will have their revenge one way or another because they must prove their superiority.
He is a narcissist
Narcissistic personalities are typically deemed as self-righteous. They pretend that everything they do is for the benefit of others, and they can’t understand why others don’t get it. They will often be condescending to others because they believe themselves to be superior. The worst part of being around a narcissist is their ability never to apologize or admit fault, even if the fault was theirs. In the church world, this will manifest itself in constant put-downs and digs on other people or their character; they will typically find ways to bully others to feed their narcissism.
He lacks empathy
The self-righteous man lacks empathy for fellow humans and does not see their own shortcomings. The self-righteous man will go on to claim superiority over others while still claiming some level of moral virtue. They are laser-focused on how they are better than others. The self-righteous are all similar in that they lean towards being angry individuals. In the church world, they are great at showing false empathy, often pretending like they care about the plight of others but deep down, their caring is just another way to get others to see how great of a person they are.
He has a sense of entitlement.
This man’s inflated sense of self-worth and entitlement often leads to a destructive mindset. He is someone who, with no regard for the feelings or opinions of others, makes all his own decisions with what he wants in mind. He sees himself as an elite individual that deserves privileges that others don’t and doesn’t take kindly to rejection. Anything that comes to him is due to him because of his superiority; he deserves all of the accolades and all of the attention. In the church world, they will often pretend like they do not want this attention or do not want to be recognized when they actually do. Sometimes they will not even pretend they do not want the recognition they will blatantly let you know that they deserve it. They will find ways to make it known that they are really in control.
In conclusion
In conclusion, it is very important not to act like a self-righteous man. This article offers nine traits of a self-righteous man that should be avoided. There are many flaws that can be found in others when we feel like we have it all together. It is easy to find flaws. Do you know what is hard, especially if you are self-righteous? To look at someone else and encourage them, build them up, speak good about them, and even compliment them. Rarely will a self-righteous person offer a true compliment. Self-righteous people are spiritual abusers; you will never feel good enough, you will never meet their standard, and if you ever actually do, they will tear you down quickly because no one can be better than them. Yet, for some reason, these are the people that often rise to prominence in our churches do you know someone who is self-righteous? What about you? Do any of these things ring a bell in your life? If so, the solution is repentance.
I was just telling my friend about that.
Wonderful views on that!
Fairly insightful submit. Never believed that it was this simple after all. I had spent a great deal of my time looking for someone to explain this subject clearly and you’re the only one that ever did that. Kudos to you! Keep it up