Unity and Division in the Early Church
In Romans 16, the Apostle Paul shares greetings with various church members in Rome. This demonstrates the vibrant life and unity among early Christians. He encourages them to greet each other “with a holy kiss,” a symbol of deep fellowship. Paul highlights this unity by stating, “all the churches of Christ send greetings” (Romans 16:16). Although he had not visited Rome, Paul knew many believers there. This shows the strong network of relationships in the early church. This is a testament to the unifying power of the gospel.
However, Paul’s commendation of unity shifts into a stern warning against those who threaten it. He urges the Roman Christians to “watch out for those who cause divisions. Avoid those who put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them” (Romans 16:17). This is not a call to silence every dissenting voice. Instead, the message is to remain alert. Be cautious against those who oppose the core tenets of the faith. They sow discord. Paul identifies these divisive individuals as serving their own appetites. They use smooth talk to deceive the naive (Romans 16:18). For the protection of the church, such individuals must be confronted. If necessary, they should be disciplined according to Scripture (cf. Matthew 18:15-17).
Paul’s message is both a commendation and a caution. He acknowledges the obedience of the Roman Christians. He urges them to be “wise about what is good.” They should also be “innocent about what is evil” (Romans 16:19). This call to wisdom and innocence serves as a reminder for church leaders. They must protect the flock from disruptive influences. As we reflect on Paul’s exhortation, we are challenged to cultivate a church environment marked by peace and unity. We must adhere to the truth of the gospel. We must be ready to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3).
Greeting One Another in Christ
In Romans 16:16, Paul tells believers to greet one another with a “holy kiss.” This gesture, though culturally specific, signifies the deep fellowship and unity that should define the church. This unity is not just a social nicety. It is rooted in a shared commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul emphasizes this by saying, “All the churches of Christ greet you.” This reminds the Roman believers of their connection to the wider body of Christ, unified in doctrine and mission.
Paul’s call to greet one another warmly reminds us of the foundation of true Christian fellowship. It is built on shared beliefs and values. It goes beyond mere politeness. It reflects our mutual commitment to Christ and to each other as members of His body. Through this, Paul’s pastoral heart is evident. He encourages believers to express unity in genuine and heartfelt ways. This unity shows the transformative power of the gospel in their communal life.
Protecting the Church From False Doctrine
Following this vision of unity, Paul addresses a grave concern. There are individuals who “cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine you have been taught” (Romans 16:17, ESV). He urges believers to “watch out” for such individuals and to “keep away” from them. The Greek construction here demands our attention—we are to “watch out” (σκοπεῖν) with utmost vigilance. This is not a suggestion but a divine mandate. This echoes Paul’s warning to the Ephesian elders. He said, “I know that after my departure, fierce wolves will come in among you. They will not spare the flock” (Acts 20:29).
It is crucial to understand Paul’s directive. It is not a call to silence every dissenting voice. It is also not meant to suppress all disagreements over minor doctrinal matters. Instead, it is a call to be vigilant. We must guard against those who fundamentally oppose the core tenets of the faith. These individuals sow discord within the body of Christ. Paul’s distinction is important; he doesn’t categorize every disagreement as divisive. He highlights that divisive individuals undermine the very foundations of Christian truth. The “obstacles” they create aren’t merely preferences or secondary matters but are fundamentally opposed to apostolic doctrine.
In a church setting, opinions on practices or preferences may differ. However, Paul’s imperative is clear. The primary goal is to safeguard the church’s doctrinal integrity. Paul emphasizes this principle in another part. He says, “If anyone preaches a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:9, ESV). Unity is a precious and valuable asset that deserves protection. Achieving it necessitates adherence to sound teaching. Without a shared foundation of truth, unity becomes fragile and ultimately loses its significance.
So here is the question. How do we …
Identify Divisive Individuals
We can be thankful that Paul actually tells us how to identify these people. We can first identify them by their methods. They use two primary weapons to cause division.
The first is smooth talk (χρηστολογία).
The second is flattery (εὐλογία).
These individuals often present themselves as champions of unity. Yet, they simultaneously undermine the foundations of faith. Solomon wisely observed this: “Some people consider themselves clean. However, they are not washed of their filth” (Proverbs 30:12).
Secondly, these divisive people can be identified by their motivations. Paul exposes their true nature by identifying them as those who serve “their own appetites” rather than Christ. This echoes Peter’s warning about false teachers who “follow their own sinful desires” (2 Peter 2:10). Such individuals are driven by selfish ambition. They prioritize personal advancement over the glory of God. Their motivation is not to serve Christ or build up the church. Instead, they pursue their own interests, often seeking influence, recognition, or power. To protect the weaker brethren and maintain the church’s spiritual health, leadership must confront these individuals. If necessary, they should be disciplined according to Scripture’s guidelines (cf. Matthew 18:15-17). This ensures the church’s integrity and unity, preventing those who seek discord for personal gain.
A Call to Wisdom and Innocence
Paul’s message to the Roman Christians is both a commendation and a caution. He acknowledges their obedience, which is well-known, and expresses his joy over them. Yet, he emphasizes vigilance. He urges them to be “wise about what is good.” He also encourages them to be “innocent about what is evil” (Romans 16:19, ESV). This exhortation highlights the importance of discernment in distinguishing truth from error. It encourages believers to remain separate from practices that lead to moral and spiritual compromise.
Paul tempers his warning with an affirmation: “For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil” (Romans 16:19, ESV). He is aware of the threats ahead. He emphasizes that the responsibility to guard the church against divisive influences lies heavily on church leaders. Elders and pastors must discern and, when necessary, discipline those who threaten the unity and doctrinal purity of the congregation. This is an act of pastoral care, not authoritarianism. Paul writes in Acts 20:28-30, urging leaders to “pay careful attention…to care for the church of God.” Church leaders, likened to shepherds, must protect their flock from wolves, ensuring the church’s integrity and unity.
Church leaders act as shepherds of God’s flock. They have a solemn responsibility to protect the community. This protection is from those who seek to disrupt it. Paul’s exhortation to “keep away from them” (ἐκκλίνατε) demands decisive action. This may include clear theological instruction, loving confrontation, and, when necessary, church discipline. This responsibility is underscored by the need to be “wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil” (Romans 16:19). It emphasizes discernment in judgments. Leaders must strike a balance. They must act decisively against clear doctrinal threats while embodying humility and adherence to scriptural principles. This involves patience and awareness of the subtleties of false teaching, which can often appear as “truth adjacent.”
Paul’s pastoral instruction serves as a timeless reminder for congregations to remain vigilant. Church leaders, as shepherds, have the responsibility to protect the sheep from “wolves” (Matthew 7:15, ESV). Jesus warned about “false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing.” Similarly, Paul reminds the church to stay firm in sound doctrine. This guards against influences that could lead believers astray. By doing so, they protect the flock and preserve the church’s purity and unity. This ensures the church remains committed to the truth of the gospel.
In today’s ecclesiastical climate, doctrine is often sacrificed for false unity. Paul’s exhortation is urgent. The rise of progressive Christianity, the prosperity gospel, and theological liberalism requires vigilance and courage. Paul emphasizes that church leaders must guard against divisive influences. Elders and pastors must discern and discipline when necessary. This is an act of pastoral care, not authoritarianism. Leaders are like shepherds who must protect their flock from wolves. Paul underscores this duty in Acts 20:28-30, urging leaders to “pay careful attention…to care for the church of God.” Church leaders must ensure the community stays true to the gospel. This preserves both its unity and doctrinal integrity.
Reflection and Application
If Paul were to write to our churches today, what might he say? Would he commend our outreach efforts and our commitment to truth? Or would he need to address those who stray from sound doctrine? As we consider these questions, let’s focus on building a church environment marked by peace and unity. This must be firmly rooted in the gospel truth. We must stay vigilant, ready to defend the faith once entrusted to the saints (Jude 1:3). Our fellowship should remain vibrant and faithful.
We must remember that the apostle who valued Christian fellowship also stressed the importance of doctrinal integrity. These goals are not in conflict. They are unified expressions of true biblical faithfulness. We work to preserve the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3). We must also be diligent in defending the faith once for all entrusted to the saints (Jude 3).
May the Lord grant us wisdom as we navigate these waters. We must always remember that true biblical unity can only exist where truth is cherished and protected.
Soli Deo Gloria