Sep 03
Posted by Josh
I have been a Youth Pastor for 14 years. Trust me I have gone through an onslaught of t-shirt companies trying to pawn there wares off on me. It typically goes something like this we want to send you 50 t-shirts for you to evaluate and what you don’t sell you send back to us. I have to admit that this is a great marketing idea because Youth Pastors are procrastinator’s they let the t-shirts sit around forever and then the next thing you know they have to buy them all. In addition to that alot of these t-shirts are kind of lame. They lack in style and seem just kind of cheesy. You can see I clearly don’t ascribe to the “they will know we are christians by our t-shirts” mentality. However I believe that Christian t-shirts if done tastefully can be a cool thing to wear and can be a conversation point. Enter JESUSBRANDED.
I recently received a link to the site so I decided to go check them out. I was pleasantly surprised as I perused the shirts. They really have some cool stuff that steps out of the ordinary style of christian t-shirts and bring a cool, refreshing, unique style. These are not just some cheesy t-shirts but each shirt has a verse that goes along with it. Perhaps you say big deal. Well let us not forget
Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
It is God’s word that is the power of God for salvation. So when I see a company that put this into practice I support it. Why don’t you go take a look and decide for yourself. Are your Jesusbranded? Check them out here.
Life, My Thoughts, Spiritual Application