Where Is The Accountability For The Church?

Where Is The Accountability For The Church?

In recent years there has been plenty of talk about holding the leadership of churches accountable, and rightfully so. The leader who abuses their power and who seeks to fleece the flock should always be held accountable for their sin. Even if that accountability does not take place on earth, we can take comfort in the fact that God will hold all leaders to a special kind of accountability; this is made clear in the book of James, where we read, “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly” (James 3:1). Honestly, I do not know of any pastors who desire to be biblical who would make an argument for no accountability in leadership; in fact, most of them have made the opposite argument. In fact, this is one of the great benefits of a plurality of elders having a group of men qualified to be elders holding one another accountable. That is really not what I want to deal with here. I do not want to deal with what happens when the pastor is abusive, but what happens when the pastor is the one being abused? I read this tweet that was put out last year “For every horror story you tell me about a pastor who abused his leadership, I can tell you ten about leaders who abused their pastor.” There is an abundance of truth in that tweet.

Why is there so little written about this subject? It almost seems like this is the deep dark sin of the church that no one wants to talk about. I look around at many friends, acquaintances, and people I know who are no longer pastors; most of them will never return to the ministry, and granted, I am only hearing one side of the story, but from all intensive purposes, the problem was not their leadership it was not that they were abusive to their church, but often they were the ones being abused. They were not being abused by the church as a whole but being abused by a select group of power players in the church that had it out for them for one reason or another. In recent months I have read one story after another of pastors being abused; some of these stories are horrific; when I have read them, I could not help but think this is not how Christians are to act. Pastors coming back from sabbaticals to find out they are fired. Small groups of enraged members propagate disinformation and falsehoods to congregations to remove a pastor from any position of power or moral authority (in my case, it is still happening). Stories of pastors pouring their lives into person after person, only for those people to take the pastor’s services for free and then ghost the pastor for the tiniest reasons. What happens if for every story we have of a pastor abusing authority, there are ten pastors who are being abused. I see friends who are beaten, battered, and bruised by the sheep they were leading,, and it breaks my heart.

What happens to these churches? If the leader is abusive, he will often lose his job, resign in shame, and will never enter the ministry again, or they will just go somewhere else and do it all over again; when the church is abusive, guess what the same thing happens. The pastor often resigns in shame and leaves the ministry, never to return again. Where is the accountability? Apparently, there is not any. What is the recourse? Apparently, there is none. Perhaps my view is a bit jaded because I am one of those pastors, but this is why I set out to read as much as I could and talk to some people that had left their church. The story is almost always very close to being identical.

Someone in the church gets upset for one reason or another; this person wields power for whatever reason in the church often because they are the main giver, or they have been there the longest, or they are the gossiper, or whoever it might be. Sometimes it is all of these people coming against the pastor. I wonder if we will ever launch a study on this? Probably not because that would mean a black eye. Anyway, the pastor resigns, the troublemaker in the church gets their way, the pastor loses what seems like his whole way of life, and the church just acts like nothing happened. Sometimes in my denomination, some people will sweep in and do all they can to rescue this church. This is probably because this is far easier than reprimanding the church; after all, the church gives money, and the pastor doesn’t. I am thankful that I initially received some help, but I know that is not the norm. Sure the church may be known as “the church who runs pastors through the meat grinder,” as one deacon said to me, but does that matter? Does it matter when sin is not addressed? Does it matter when they continue to go one like they always have? Does it matter when they get to blame their sin on others or pretend like sin was not the issue?

In the meantime, the pastor has lost his whole way of life. He does not get to be with those other pastors that he at least thought were his friends. His community is gone, and he is no longer using the gifts that God has given him to serve the kingdom, primarily the gift of preaching/teaching. The pastor feels isolated, lonely, and sometimes without hope. Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, months turn to years, and this calling that so gripped his soul is somehow gone. Maybe he wants to continue on, but he is afraid things will just turn out the same, and so it is easier to just give up. Here is my question? For these churches that are part of a denomination, why are they allowed to just keep doing the same thing over and over again? Why is there no accountability for the church? Why doesn’t anyone step in to the gap and address the issue? Why are they allowed to just blame it on the pastor and move on? Why do we indulge this kind of behavior? Do we really believe that they will not answer for this sin in the end? Do we really believe that the right way to handle it is to pretend like there is no problem and move on? Do we really believe that by aiding in their sinfulness, we won’t answer for it? Seemingly we do.

I can remember the day I told my children Iwas resigning one of my children innocently said “but dad who is going to tell them about Jesus” and on that day another one of my children checked out from church. Over the course of the next several days I could hear it in the questions they were asking. They could not understand why Christians would act this way “so these people now for whatever reason hate dad?” In some respects I appreciated the comment as it told me they saw me different than those making accusations. In another way though I knew they began to check out. I pray for them daily that they will be drawn back in.

I recently went on a pastors retreat and heard a message on pastoral perseverance where the message was speaking about the slow death that pastors are called to die and these things left me weeping and in tears as I thought of my own slow death that would eventually come.

From 2 Corinthains 4

1. Pastors die at a different rate based on circumstances 

The harder the ministry context the quicker the death comes. Do not compare yourself to each other. Do not compare your death to someone else’s death. The body keeps the score. 

2. Pastors have different capacities to die

We are all made differently. We all have different thresholds that we can endure. You can’t compare your capacity with another. 

3. Pastors are given what we need to not lose heart as we die. 

This will push us to the brink but it will not destroy us. V.1 He will not spare us from the death because it is part of his plan that we die but he will be with us to allow us to die well.

4. Pastors thrive in this death by embracing weakness 

V . 7 Christ is most strong in us in our weakness it is our weakness that fuels the strength of Christ. Do not fight against the death but embrace it. 

Brother pastor, if you have stumbled across this blog and you have rad this far you may be hurting I want you to remember the cross always precedes the crown. It is hard to suffer abuse of power, but the chief pastor willingly suffered the abuse of power on a hill called Calvary, and we are his undershepherds, and honestly, we should expect no less. There is a day coming when the injsutices against you will be made right. If you are not a pastor and you have read this and you know your pastor or of a pastor being abused I would beg of you do all you can to stop it. I was able to find a few articles on this subject they are linked below if you would like to read more.


When It All Fades To Black

When It All Fades To Black

When It All Fades To Black


I can remember the words clearly like they were yesterday “when are you going to tell your wife” my counselor asked. What had I done? Did I have some sort of secret sin that no one knew about? Perhaps I had committed adultery like so many other pastors? Did I have some sort of moral failure? I had none of those. So what was the problem? To get to that, I have to back up a little bit.


My last few years of ministry had been what seemed like hell if that was possible. I had lost one of my closes friends in the church. I had spent hours pouring into this man, and he had done the same to me; we would have deep theological discussions, his family would hang out with my family, and we just had become close friends. My world would be turned upside down on November 3, 2018. On that morning, I not only lost one of my closes friends, I had done CPR on him and then had to go tell his wife and family. I never truly grieved that loss and never really dealt with it. I did like I always do. I pushed it down and hoped it would get better.


I am not going to go into all of the detail of that day, maybe another time, but it was a wound that was not dealt with. However, problems had started long before this time. I am not going to get bogged down into all of the details of what went on in my church; some people lived it with me, and I don’t know that anyone really knows everything that transpired because, frankly, I have kept them from it. Oh, sure, out of spite, I could release recordings, documents, and emails that were sent to me and things that were said to me, but what does that accomplish? Very little. Even though I have continued to be slandered afterward, I will not do the same. However, I have to give a little detail to get to the purpose.


So over the last few years, there were what seemed to be attacks on my character and a lot of gossip and untruthful things being said. Some of this, of course, began to get back to me and to be honest, I should have addressed it immediately, but I chose not to. I can still remember my conversations with people that were calling me to do something. I kept saying, “the Lord will defend me.” Finally, it had reached its breaking point, and I addressed issues the only way I knew how head-on in a meeting. Two of my friends had shown up early for that meeting; they had faithfully spent time praying over me, and I knew going in it might very well be the last time we would be in a meeting together. That was the case for one of them. Needless to say, the meeting did not go as I had prayed it would. A short time later, one of my friends would resign and leave the church. I had talked with him before I knew it was coming and understood his desire to care for his family. Please understand I am trying to be as general as possible here.


Eventually, another meeting was called, and it was apparent I would be put on the defensive in that meeting. I was asked to answer two full pages of accusations, some of them fairly ridiculous. I have read this document multiple times. I still have it. I wanted to make sure I did not misread it, but there is no misreading it. I am directly implicated for “most” of the problems. This document has remained private even though others have asked to see it. At the end of this meeting, another friend of mine resigned and left the church. Even though I knew I still had support and knew I had people who still loved me greatly, I immediately felt isolated and alone, whether it was true or not. In that final meeting, these words were said, “is there something that you need to tell us” I immediately knew this was a reference to my mental health and that I had started seeing a counselor. I readily admitted I was in a dark place, and now I felt that dark place would be used against me. This is the very thing that so many pastors fear and the very reason why they never share anything about what they are going through or the struggles they have. This meeting would lead to my resignation.


I resigned as pastor, and everything I knew and held dear seemed to be gone. Eight years of ministry went up in flames. I was hurting and reeling; the darkness only seemed to get darker as it closed in on me. I had nowhere to escape; my depression only got deeper, my anxiety became worse, and I struggled immensely. What was I going to do, I will eventually have no way to support my family, and all I know is ministry I started at 19. I sat there in my counselor’s office, and he said, “so when are you going to tell your wife” my response “I will tell her when it gets bad enough,” “so when is that? How do you know when bad is enough has been reached?” “I don’t know,” so “when are going to tell your wife” “I guess I will tell her today.” I was a man that appeared strong and what I am sure as came across as prideful, often overconfident, but I had been reduced to a pile of rubble. I began to justify in my own mind that it was ok to check out. After all, I had a life insurance policy my family would be taken care of. I am a believer, and glory awaits me. I can go to heaven and finally rest. I would not have to worry about dealing with this stuff anymore. That day I left my counselor’s office, and I came home and told my wife and asked her to hide my gun. Darkness had gained a temporary victory. It all had faded to black. The dark clouds that were once over my head had descended into my life; they gripped me so tight I feel I could not breathe.


So many pastors struggle with mental health, and they will never admit it. They will never tell anyone of their anxiety, of their struggles to trust in God, of their hurt. The pastor does not just have his own pain to deal with, but often the pain of those in his congregation, so multiply the pain times 50, the problems times 50, the struggles times 50. As they are busy dealing with everyone else, they fail to deal with themselves, and for many more than we probably realize, it becomes to late. They give in to addictions, to the lust of the world, and yes, some just give in altogether. They feel they have no one who understands, nowhere to turn, and it will only be used against them if they do open up. Even as I write this, I am sure I people will wonder why I would write such a thing. Don’t I know that no church will hire me because I just admitted that I am a weak and flawed person? My comeback is always the same. Then that is a church I would not want to go to anyway. I am weak, and until I embrace my weakness, I will never thrive in ministry. Christ is made strong in my weakness; it is in my weakness where the strength of Christ is fueled. I will not fight against it, but I will embrace it. I know that Christ will lead me to where he wants me I will arrive there right on time, and if that is where I am for now, then I embrace it and trust he will care for me.


Pastors should not feel isolated. They should not be afraid to admit their weakness, struggles, hurts, and heartaches. You see, it only takes one brief moment of weakness for a pastor to end their life. We have seen it in high-profile pastors I wonder how many we never hear about? It does not have to be this way. It is ok to love your pastor; it is ok to meet with him and try to understand and guess what it is ok not to agree and be ok with that understanding that he is the one God has called to lead. You can even still support him.


For whatever reason, at some point and time, we have got it stuck in our mind that individuals are called to defend the church against the pastor because the pastor, after all, is just going to ruin everything. This was the job that Paul gave to Timothy, an elder, not to some random churchgoer because they had been in the church for 50 years. Paul urged Timothy to protect the church against false teaching and to guard the faith he had entrusted to him.


Instead, pastors have been faced with a church bully, and this had led many pastors down some very dark paths as they witness the underside of those who stand against them. I am thankful for a counselor who has pushed me, has not allowed me to get away with just feeling sorry for myself, and has asked me tough questions. Though I am doing far better than I was, I know I am not entirely where I want to be. I know the Lord has a plan and a place for me to use my gifts. What breaks my heart is the number of pastors who are in a similar situation, and they are trying to just push through it all. I am afraid the darkness may overtake them. I have had many pastors thank me, and many reach out to me. But what about all of those who will never reach out to anyone?


If you are a pastor or anyone for that matter reading this and your struggling, you are not alone; others have our struggles, and though I doubt anyone will ever reach out, I just want you to know that if you need it reach out to me. I am not a counselor or therapist but I can listen.


Stop saying “if you need something let me know”

Stop saying “if you need something let me know”

Stop saying “if you need something let me know.”

Table of Contents

  1. Stop saying “if you need something let me know.”
      1. 0.1. The mind of Christ
      2. 0.2. The early Christians
      3. 0.3. Radical transformation
      4. 0.4. A rebuke by Peter

When I was still shepherding, I used to say to my flock, “don’t say to others “if you need something, let me know,” because they won’t.” The odds are great that another Christian, even if they are your friend, is not really going to come to you and let you know they are struggling or that they have a need. This is like saying to someone struggling with addiction or suicidal thoughts, “call me” they are rarely going to call. The truth is that needs constantly surround us, and unlike Jesus and the early church, we rarely open our eyes to see them, or perhaps we don’t want to see them. I am not speaking about the needs of the general populous either. I am speaking about the needs of other Christians right in front of us. It is as if we have the same mentality as Job’s friends. We think sure there is a reason they are struggling. If a person is struggling mentally its because they have made bad decisions to put them in that place; if a person is struggling financially, it is because they do not budget or they are leaving beyond their means, if a person is struggling with relationships, it is because they do not have a proper attitude. Do you see how we blame the problem on the struggling person? We may not shame them with our words, but we sure do it mentally to justify our lack of Christlikeness. In some cases, we may even want them to struggle because, for whatever reason, we have made them our enemy, and we say to ourselves, “they deserve it,” and we somehow feel justified in our mind. 

The mind of Christ

My challenge is that none of this is the mind of Christ. Nowhere do we find this to be the attitude of Christ. Of course, someone will say, “I can’t read people’s minds like Christ seemed to do” you are right, but what about the early church? Is that what they did? Did they read minds? Or, instead, did they sell all they had and put it together to help those in need who were among them? This is found in Acts 2 and 4. They were not socialists, but they were radically generous. So radical that they went to extraordinary lengths to make sure those who were among them were taken care of. Not only that but imagine the intimacy of the early church that they were so connected that they had “all things in common” to know one another’s needs. They were so radically different from the culture around them. Are we? It would seem we look for solutions in politics and more power. However, they do not offer solutions. 

The early Christians

No one demanded the early Christians to do this. There is no command for them to do this. The apostles are not secretly telling the early church to do this. No, they freely and voluntarily gave up what they had to help others among their community of faith. They did this together as a body because they had “all things in common.” A life that is transformed by the grace of God is a life that is lived out by showing grace. I have met many “Christians” who seem to have no grace. It makes me wonder if their life has really been transformed. The gospel changes hearts and minds. Never forget that. 

Radical transformation

When someone receives Christ as their savior, something radical happens. The gospel’s impact reaches our attitude towards the things we cling to the most. Our possessions. This does not eliminate private ownership and make us socialist, nor does it mean that the church corporately owns everything, so we give it all to the church. No, it is far more reaching and far more profound than that; what is the gospel does is take our heart which was owned by something, usually our possessions, and it frees it to be owned by Christ and causes us to live a life as if we own nothing. We no longer regard what we have as ours because our heart has been transformed. People with transformed hearts do not think of their possessions as theirs; instead, they willingly and freely give up their possessions to those in need. That is heart transformation 

“Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common” (Acts 4:32 ESV). Reread it and put the emphasis on “no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own” That is is a transformed heart. 

A rebuke by Peter

This is why Peter rebuked Ananias, and the Lord struck him dead when he declared publicly that he sold his home and gave it all to the poor. The problem wasn’t that Ananias held money back. The problem was in his heart because he “secretly” held money back. This is what Peter said to him “While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to man but to God” (Acts 5:4 ESV).

Did you see how Peter exposed his heart? Ananias had a deceitful, selfish heart, and that was the problem, and it cost him his life. This is what the gospel changes. Being a socialist does not fix the problem, nor does being a “democratic socialist,” nor does hoarding our possessions to pass along to our adult children who do not need them. Politics is not the solution; power is not the solution; new laws are not the solution. Hearts changed by the gospel is the only solution because a heart changed by the gospel knows what is mine is not mine at all, and that is the heat that lives a radically generous life that is the only way anyone will ever think of others before they think of themselves, causing them to give freely of what they have to help others. So don’t say, “if you need anything, let me know” just open your eyes and live the life God has called us to live a life that is radically generous that sees a need and meets the need because you have the means to do so even and do it in such an extravagant and radical fashion the God is glorified, and the world is mystified at the audacity of these radical Christians. This is what we are called to individually and corporately. Oh, that we would loosen our grip on our possessions, or should I say that they would loosen their grip on us? What a message for Christmas. 

9 Traits of a Self-Righteous Man

9 Traits of a Self-Righteous Man

9 Traits of a self-righteous man

I was doing some reading and got to thinking just how destructive self-righteous personalities are not just in everyday life but especially in the church. So I wanted to write a blog article about this to help us recognize others who are self-righteous and maybe even to recognize if we have some self-righteous ways in us. The self-righteous man is a creature who believes he is the only one who gets it right. He stands in front of an audience, preaching to them about how they should live their lives while blatantly ignoring his own faults. The self-righteous man can be found in many places worldwide, whether it’s in the classroom, the office, or at home.

What are the characteristics of a self-righteous man?

Table of Contents

  1. 9 Traits of a self righteous man
    1. 1. What are the characteristics of a self-righteous man?
      1. 1.1. He feels superior to everyone else.
      2. 1.2. He hates to admit he’s wrong. 
      3. 1.3. Thinks people should bow down to him.
      4. 1.4. He insists on having his way.
      5. 1.5. He loves to talk and talk and talk and never listens.
      6. 1.6. He hates it when other people disagree with him.
      7. 1.7. He is a narcissist
      8. 1.8. He lacks empathy 
      9. 1.9. He has a sense of entitlement.

He feels superior to everyone else.

A self-righteous man is someone who thinks that they are the best person in the room. They think they are better than everyone else and will always find ways to make themselves feel superior. For instance, they will make fun of others for their mistakes and flaws while not admitting the slightest mistake or flaw in themselves. Self-righteous people will often use religious or political affiliations to make themselves feel like they are more special than everyone else.

He hates to admit he’s wrong. 

The self-righteous man. Though it seems like everyone struggles with this, these men are notorious for their lack of willingness to accept their mistakes. This is a usually annoying trait, at best, and destructive, at worst. Some men feel so entitled to their opinions that they cannot be open-minded enough to change their minds when presented with the facts otherwise, especially if it means accepting they were wrong.

Thinks people should bow down to him.

Let me illustrate. Ivan is a self-righteous man with a superiority complex. He thinks that he deserves to be treated better than most people because of his intelligence, power, or status in life. He will often try to give the appearance that he is humble, but in his mind, he is better than everyone else; modesty is not his intention. His false humility is just another ploy to prove that he is better. He genuinely believes he is better than others and needs them to acknowledge it for him. This person will try to set themselves up as the leader in every church committee they serve on.

He insists on having his way.

A self-righteous man has many bad qualities, but the one I want to focus on her is his insistence on having his way. He likes to think that he knows what’s best for everyone and that he should be able to dictate how they live their lives. For example, he may get into a massive fight with a co-worker because he insisted that the person should take the “scenic route” instead of the “fast route.” If this person is in the church or leading a church committee if anything is ever recommended contrary to “his way,” he will find a way to shoot it down, and if they can’t, they will use that wonderful church excuse, “we always have done it this way”?

He loves to talk and talk and talk and never listens.

Everywhere he goes, the self-righteous man brings his opinions and his way of life with him. He loves to talk and talk and talk and never listens. Whatever he’s talking about, he has an answer for everything. The worst part is that he thinks what he says is right no matter what anyone else says. This person will spend all kinds of time talking about their achievements or what they have accomplished or even what their family has accomplished so that everyone will notice how great they are. They can’t wait to turn the conversation into something they can talk about, and if they do not know what is being discussed, they will often pretend like they do.

He hates it when other people disagree with him.

The self-righteous man hates it when other people disagree with him. He is often confrontational and will argue like a dog with a bone. When he becomes angry, his thoughts narrow to only thoughts of getting revenge on the person who has wronged him. He can’t stand not getting what he wants and will stop at nothing to get it. It will not matter if this person is in the church or not; they can’t have people disagreeing with them and not seeing things the way they do. They will have their revenge one way or another because they must prove their superiority.

He is a narcissist

Narcissistic personalities are typically deemed as self-righteous. They pretend that everything they do is for the benefit of others, and they can’t understand why others don’t get it. They will often be condescending to others because they believe themselves to be superior. The worst part of being around a narcissist is their ability never to apologize or admit fault, even if the fault was theirs. In the church world, this will manifest itself in constant put-downs and digs on other people or their character; they will typically find ways to bully others to feed their narcissism.

He lacks empathy 

The self-righteous man lacks empathy for fellow humans and does not see their own shortcomings. The self-righteous man will go on to claim superiority over others while still claiming some level of moral virtue. They are laser-focused on how they are better than others. The self-righteous are all similar in that they lean towards being angry individuals. In the church world, they are great at showing false empathy, often pretending like they care about the plight of others but deep down, their caring is just another way to get others to see how great of a person they are.

He has a sense of entitlement.

This man’s inflated sense of self-worth and entitlement often leads to a destructive mindset. He is someone who, with no regard for the feelings or opinions of others, makes all his own decisions with what he wants in mind. He sees himself as an elite individual that deserves privileges that others don’t and doesn’t take kindly to rejection. Anything that comes to him is due to him because of his superiority; he deserves all of the accolades and all of the attention. In the church world, they will often pretend like they do not want this attention or do not want to be recognized when they actually do. Sometimes they will not even pretend they do not want the recognition they will blatantly let you know that they deserve it. They will find ways to make it known that they are really in control.

In conclusion

In conclusion, it is very important not to act like a self-righteous man. This article offers nine traits of a self-righteous man that should be avoided. There are many flaws that can be found in others when we feel like we have it all together. It is easy to find flaws. Do you know what is hard, especially if you are self-righteous? To look at someone else and encourage them, build them up, speak good about them, and even compliment them. Rarely will a self-righteous person offer a true compliment. Self-righteous people are spiritual abusers; you will never feel good enough, you will never meet their standard, and if you ever actually do, they will tear you down quickly because no one can be better than them. Yet, for some reason, these are the people that often rise to prominence in our churches do you know someone who is self-righteous? What about you? Do any of these things ring a bell in your life? If so, the solution is repentance.

Disturbing Trends In Church Growth

Disturbing Trends In Church Growth

Disturbing trends.  I was thinking of this yesterday,  that I notice some disturbing trends when it comes to writing concerning church leadership and church growth.  I pastor a smaller church, if we hit 70 that is a good Sunday for us.  I do not believe there is anything necessarily wrong with a small church. However, I do believe there is a lot wrong with a small church that fails to attempt to reach the lost.  That is for another post.

Here is the trend that I see cropping up in writings today.  Identifying a problem or problems without a solution.   I scour though blog posts, read books, talk to people, etc. and it seems like we are very good at identifying the problem. We can find things like 5 reasons you church sucks, but there are very little solutions to these problems.  Is this what I really want to fill my mind with all the reasons why my church won’t grow, can’t grow, what is wrong with my church etc. without ever getting a solution?  NO!  This is not what I want to read yet this is what seems to be popular these days.  Well thank you captain obvious.   Furthermore, those that seem to give a solution want to somehow either compromise the gospel, or somehow pretend like man is the ultimate decider of salvation so we must have some sort of atmosphere to manipulate man to make a decision for Christ.  I am sure you have read these kinds of things.  We need the lighting just right, and the parking lot just right, and the color of the walls of the sanctuary just right.  Not that I am opposed to ding things with excellence you can ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you that I want things done well.

We should never manipulate someone into making a decision for Christ.  Let me rephrase that we should never manipulate someone into making a “true” decision for Christ. What about the pastor that wants to lead his church to share the gospel with the lost in his community.  Where are the solutions.  Just stop with all of the blog posts, books, and other garbage that fills our minds with problems and never gives a solution.  

This leads me to a secondary trend.  This trend deals with church planting.  I am not a church planter nor do I know all of the ins and outs of church planting, however I have read through the ultimate church planting guide, which is the life of the Apostle Paul.  It seems the strategy of today for planting a church is a “better church”.  Is that really what we need a “better church”?  Come to “better church” because ours is better than yours.  Oh sure we may not have that slogan but that indeed is the mentality.   If we look at the life of Paul is this how the church grew or did it grow because depraved sinners came to Christ.   If I plant a church that is running 200 in 5 years then the church should have close to 200 decisions for salvation.  However this is not the case in many circumstances.  Church plants  should grow because they are winning the lost to Christ not because they have a “better Church”  or they just know how to do church better.  We have made church a business, a store that tries as hard as it can to gain customers.  Those may be new customers to our store but they are not new customers if you know what I mean.   All of this is to say lets reach the lost.  I don’t need more problems we need to reach the lost.  We don’t need a church plant that is not reaching the lost we need to reach the lost.  How about some solutions on how to modify our people to take the gospel to those in our community.  Why can’t we take our cities by storm. our states, our nation, and other nations by storm with the gospel.  Well because we are so focussed on the problem we don’t even see a solution. Just the rambling of some small church pastor.

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